What Is Dental X-ray Machine?
X-rays are a safe and effective way to see inside the body. They are used in medicine to diagnose problems such as broken bones and cancer and also in dentistry to detect tooth decay, find impacted wisdom teeth, diagnose periodontal disease and more.
Dental x-rays are a type of medical imaging that uses radiation to produce pictures of the teeth, jawbones and soft tissues inside the mouth. This picture is called an x-ray image or radiograph. It is a painless test that uses very low doses of radiation to create each image.
The x-ray machine produces x-rays by directing a beam of high-energy photons through the teeth and jawbones onto film or a digital sensor. The amount of radiation released by this process is extremely small – about 100,000 times less than a chest x-ray performed at the hospital or 500 times less than what you would receive from flying on an aeroplane for two hours at 30,000 feet (9 kilometres).
Types of Dental X-ray Machine:
Before you can take dental X-rays, you must have a dental X-ray machine. There are two types of dental X-ray machines: intraoral and extraoral. An intraoral (IO) dental X-ray machine is designed to be placed in the mouth during administration. An extraoral (EO) dental X-ray machine is designed to be held outside the patient’s mouth during administration.
1. Intraoral:
The intraoral dental X-ray machine is used by dentists to take pictures of teeth, jaws and other parts of the mouth when diagnosing a patient’s oral condition. They are taken inside the mouth by placing the film between the teeth and gums. An intraoral dental X-ray machine is usually handheld and has a small screen that displays the image taken from the patient’s mouth.
2. Extraoral:
The extraoral dental X-ray machine is used by dentists to take pictures of teeth, jaws and other parts of the mouth when diagnosing a patient’s oral condition. An extraoral dental X-ray machine is usually fixed on the wall or ceiling and has a large screen that displays the image taken from the patient’s mouth. An extraoral X-ray can show a larger area of the teeth than an intraoral X-ray. Because there is no need to place anything between your teeth and gums. However, extraoral X-rays may also be less accurate than intraoral X-rays because they do not show as much detail about each tooth.
How Dental X-ray Machine Works?
Before knowing how to use a device, we’d better get to understand how the device works. The same goes for dental x-rays. If you don’t know how dental x-rays are created, you won’t know what information they can provide and why they’re important for your health. So let’s take a look at how dental x-rays work.
1. X-ray:
In order to understand how dental x-rays work, it’s helpful to know a little bit about light and electromagnetic radiation in general. When an object absorbs energy from another object, it becomes hot — this is called thermal energy. Thermal energy can be transferred between objects by conduction or convection; however, electromagnetic radiation also exists in our universe and can transfer heat without the need for contact between objects.
The X-rays used by the Dental X-ray Machine belong to this electromagnetic radiation. X-rays are electromagnetic waves with a very short wavelength in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometers. They can pass through materials that are opaque to visible light but stop when they reach denser materials such as bone or metal in teeth. When x-rays pass through objects and reach the film or photographic plates, they form an image on them.
2. What makes up the Dental X-ray Machine:
Next, let’s look at the construction of the Dental X-ray Machine. The main parts of an x-ray machine are:
- X-ray tube:
The x-ray tube is composed of two electrodes, which produce an electric current in a vacuum tube when supplied with high voltage DC power. This current passes through the patient’s body, ionizing atoms in its path, and producing a beam of x-rays that pass through the patient’s body to be detected on film or other recording media.
- Control panel:
It includes several switches, dials and knobs that vary depending on the model of your x-ray machine but they all control some aspect of your machine’s function such as brightness or contrast etc…
- Film holder:
This part holds the film or digital sensor behind which you place your object to be photographed onto it. This object can be anything from a tooth to a coin etc…
3. Working process of Dental X-ray Machine:
- Shielding:
The patient’s head is placed in a protective metal shell, which blocks the x-rays from reaching the patient’s skin and other organs. This metal shell has a hole in it where they can look through to see the dentist.
- Exposure:
The x-ray machine sends an electromagnetic beam through the patient’s jaw, teeth, and skull to create an image on a special film or a digital sensor. The amount of exposure needed depends on the size and density of each tooth being examined.
- Developing:
After exposure, the film is developed by chemicals that make visible those areas where x-rays have penetrated the film. A negative image appears — white for less dense areas and black for more dense areas such as bone or fillings — which reveals any cavities or other abnormalities in teeth.
- Fixing:
After the pictures have been taken, they’re developed by placing them in an envelope with chemicals that fix them onto paper.
- Exposing:
The pictures are placed on an X-ray screen so that they appear on the computer monitor in front of you and your dentist can see them clearly.
- Viewing:
Your dentist will check each picture for signs of decay, cavities or other problems that require treatment.
I believe you all have an answer to how Dental X-ray Machine works. Next, we recommend a company specializing in producing dental equipment for many years: Roson:
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Roson has been in the field of dental equipment for more than 18 years, so they are more experienced than other companies. They have an excellent team of experts who can provide you with professional advice and support at all times.
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Roson uses advanced technology to make sure that its equipment is always up to date with today’s market trends and standards. They also invest heavily in research and development so that they can continue producing high-quality machines for their customers for years to come.